
How do you know if you need a business coach?

Posted By Ian Crates,
14/04/2023 12:00 PM
It can be difficult to know whether you need a business coach , but here are some signs that might indicate it would be beneficial: You feel stuck or...

Who should hire a business coach?

Posted By Ian Crates,
13/04/2023 05:47 AM
A business coach can be valuable for individuals at any stage of their career or business, including: Entrepreneurs: Business coaches can help...

21 questions that every person in business should ask themselves?

Posted By Ian Crates,
28/03/2023 00:00 AM
Here are 21 powerful questions that I think every person in business should ask themselves. They have been designs to help our clients and business colleagues gain clarity, insight, and motivation:...

What does a business coach do?

Posted By Ian Crates,
21/03/2023 00:00 AM
A business coach is a professional who helps individuals or teams improve their performance and achieve their goals in the context of business or entrepreneurship. Business coaches work wit...

Is it worth paying for a business coach?

Posted By Ian Crates,
16/03/2023 09:23 AM
Whether or not it is worth paying for a business coach depends on a variety of factors, including the individual's goals, needs, and budget. Here are some potential...

What is the important steps to build your business

Posted By Ian Crates,
07/03/2023 00:00 AM
There are several important steps to build your business, and each of these steps requires careful planning and execution. Here are some of the most critical steps: Identify your business idea:...

How can I build my business

Posted By Ian Crates,
01/03/2023 21:17 PM
Building a successful business requires a lot of effort, planning, and execution. Here are some steps that you can follow to build your business: Define your business idea: Identify a problem that...

7 Crucial steps for protecting your company from cyber attacks

Posted By Ian Crates,
28/03/2022 22:13 PM
A business falls victim to a ransomware attack every 14 seconds, and that number of cyberattacks each day keeps growing. What are you doing to protect your company and ensure you are prepared if the...

Why should you employ a business Coach, Consultant, or Mentor?

Posted By Ian Crates,
23/02/2022 22:00 PM
When I start dealing with new or potential clients and customers, I often get asked similar questions? “Why do I need a Business Coach” “Why should I employ a consultant” “How can you tell me...

The common struggles self-employed face today; Part 4 - Managing Finances

Posted By Ian Crates,
14/01/2022 03:00 AM
Over the last few weeks, we have been talking about the challenges and struggles facing self-employed people today. So far, we have looked at the issues surrounding "feeling lonely",...